Vision Image

We envision a future where every device, powered by our IoT solutions, contributes to a harmonious balance between human needs and health of the planet, driving sustainable progress for generations to come.


Work Station

We are positioned at the forefront of the global IoT revolution with our work stations located at Chennai and Banglore in India, and at Atlanta in The USA.


Industry Verticals Served

We are proud to serve 20+ diverse industries, providing tailored IoT solutions that enhance productivity, efficiency and sustainable growth.


Data Points

Leveraging IoT data to provide actionable insights and drive informed decision-making, we analyze 4800+ data points to ensure precise and actionable insights.


Happy Customers

We, at present, serve around 250+ enterprises around the Globe with our data insights, helping them to make informed decision. This ensures Security, sustainability and Scalability in their operations economically.


Instrumentation,TIS, Telematics, BHMS,      UMS.

Bio-Tech & Pharma

Instrumentation & Analytics, TIS, CAOS,      ESG, BMS, Retro-fit Services.

Chemical Industries

Instrumentation & Analytics, TIS, BHMS,      UMS, CAOS, Retro-fit Services.

Defense and Aerospace

Instrumentation, BHMS, UMS, Data      Analytics, Customized Solutions.

Iron & Steel

Instrumentation, TIS, UMS, Data Analytics,      IoT Solutions.

Infrastructure & Hospitality

Instrumentation, BMS,UMS, IoT Services.

Mining Aggregate & Cement

Instrumentation,Weighing Solution,      Telematics, TIS, IoT Services.

Oil & Gas

Instrumentation & Analytics, TIS, BHMS,      CAOS, UMS, ESG & Retro-fit Services.

Paper and Pulp

Instrumentation & Analytics, TIS,BHMS,      UMS, CAOS, ESG, Retro-fit Services.


Instrumentation & Analytics, Boiler Life      extension, BHMS, CAOS, TIS, ESG


UMS, BHMS, CAOS, TIS, IoT Services.

Water and Waste Water

Instrumentation & Analytics, Leakage      Deduction, Remote Monitoring, IoT      Services.